golf - girls


Head Coach: Bob Ball
(360) 216-9360

Twitter - Spuddergolf@RhsSpudder
Facebook - RHS Spudder Golf
Home Course       
Tri-Mountain Golf Course                                                   
1701 NW 299th St, Ridgefield, WA 98642

(360) 887-3004



The Golf program is intended to be a positive experience for all players who participate. Our philosophy is based on providing a high quality, competitive, hard working, and character driven program to assist in learning life lessons through competing in our sport.  Coaching staff, student athletes, and parents are expected to demonstrate honesty, integrity, and sportsmanship and represent our school and community with high ideals to everyone we encounter throughout our journey.   While golf is unique in that it is played individually it allows for our collective efforts to build camaraderie where coaches and players work with each other for the betterment of the team. 

We embrace the following core values embodied by golf.

​1. Honesty - the quality or state of being truthful; not deceptive

2. Integrity - strict adherence to a standard of value or conduct; personal honesty and independence

3. Sportsmanship - observing the rules of play and winning or losing with grace
Players must know and abide by the rules of golf and be able to conduct themselves in a kind and
​respectful manner towards others even in a competitive game.

4. Respect - to feel or show deferential regard for; esteem

5. Confidence - reliance or trust. A feeling of self-assurance

6. Responsibility - accounting for one’s actions; dependable

7. Perseverance - to persist in an idea, purpose or task despite obstacles

8. Courtesy - considerate behavior toward others;a polite remark or gesture

9. Judgment - the ability to make a decision or form an opinion; a decision reached after consideration

To instill a positive work ethic
To show continuous improvement
To be competitive at league, district, and state levels
To have fun

golf girls


Administrative Requirements:  All fees need to be paid and requirements of the Student Athletic Eligibility Packet need to be completed. (Concussion and Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form, Physical Examination, Athletic Eligibility Verification, and Extra-Curricular Signature Approval Form).  The Medical Emergency Authorization Form also needs completed.  All players need to sign up to access Infowrap to access team information.
Grade Requirements:  Students must maintain passing grades in all courses throughout the season.  Weekly in-season grade checks will be used to monitor each student.  Students who have a failing grade will be ineligible for competition for one week. Students with ongoing failing grades will not be allowed to practice or play.
Attendance:  If absent due to illness students will not be eligible to participate in practice or matches on that day.        
Drug and Alcohol Policy:  Procedures from the Student Code of Conduct will apply.  Zero tolerance. No exceptions.  First offense is automatic dismissal from the team for the remainder of the season.
Behavior and Dress Code:  You are a guest of every area golf course that allows us to play therefore exemplary behavior is expected at all times.  Staff at all golf courses will be treated with respect.   Please and thank you are expected behaviors.  If you have any criticisms of the course or their facilities brig them to me.  Don’t discuss them with any employee of the golf course. League dress code will apply at all practices and at matches.  Golf shoes are preferable; tennis shoes would be acceptable, nothing else though.  No denim for any matches or away events. Tri Mountain does allow denim so that is ok for practice however pants must be in good condition.  If you don’t comply you will not be able to play matches or practice.
The Team:  The varsity and JV teams will consist of 6 players each with the top four scores counting towards the team score for the match.  Your ranking on the team will depend on scores from skill assessments and qualifying rounds.  Once we have played enough rounds it will be based on the scoring averages.  After seven rounds the highest score will be disregarded. By the end of the year the ten most recent scores will be the ones counted. This enables players that are improving through the season to move up. 
Practice:   Practices are scheduled to start promptly at 3:30.  If we just practice at the range and putting/chipping greens practice will end about 5:00.   Days we are able to practice on the course practices will go until the 9 hole round is completed.  A weekly practice schedule will be provided before Monday of each week.  Anytime you are not able to practice please make sure I am notified before.  Best method of communication for these issues is text or email.
Galleries: Galleries are permitted with the approval of the club pro. However, all spectators are to keep a 25 yard distance from competitors and observe the etiquette of golf. No coaching by spectators is allowed. The penalty for violating the spectator rule is a two stroke penalty on the player as a warning and any further communication, visual or verbal, by spectators will result in the disqualification of the player. There is to be no communication between the gallery and the golfers. 
Letter Requirements:  To earn a varsity letter a player will be required to compete in 7 varsity matches or have a counting score in 3.
 Rules: USGA and league rules apply.  


  1. The high school golfer learns the value and aspects of being on a team. Although golf is an individual sport, a golfer’s performance will impact the team score. These are traits that can be well established through a high school golf team experience and better prepare a student after high school.

  2. High school golfers have the opportunity to represent their schools and communities, participate in team rivalries against other high schools, and manage the responsibilities of being high school student-athletes representing something bigger than the individual.  It’s fun to play for your school, teammates, and community.

  3. There is an opportunity to learn from a varying number of mentors, administrators, teachers, and coaches through a high school golf team experience.

  4. The high school golfer learns how to coexist and communicate with other personalities on the team, as well as with the coach. It’s also an opportunity to learn leadership skills and set an example for the next class of players. 

  5. Playing high school golf simulates the balance of having school in the morning and golf practice/matches in the afternoon. This time management skill is one of the most important aspects of being a successful. 

  6. There are opportunities for college athletic scholarships in girls golf even at the community college level.

The long-term benefit of girls participating in sports, such as golf, goes beyond the physical and emotional. Playing organized sports as a young female translates to more success in their professional career.  In a survey of professional women:

  • 86% of the women felt sports helped them to become more disciplined;

  • 81% felt participating in sports helped them function better as team players in the workplace;

  • 69% of the women felt sports helped them develop leadership skills;

  • 68% of the women believed their past in sports helped them learn to deal with failure; and

  • 59% of the women thought sports gave them a competitive edge over others in the business world.

Golf and life skills programs provide girls with the platform they need to become high-achievers in their personal goals, boost their self-esteem and experience competition in a fun, supportive environment.