A group of runners takes a quick break for a photo

Union Ridge students showed school spirit before the Fun Run

“Ready Set Go!” banners waved in the light breeze. Huge blue inflatables arched over the start and finish lines, and bright plastic cones dotted the wide field to line out race course paths. Under the fresh spring sunshine and clear blue skies, dozens of Union Ridge Elementary first graders marched onto the field. Each class was led by a student holding a handmade flag high: Team Mighty Dragons, Team Kindness, Team Wolf Pack, Team Fast Funny Bunnies, and several more lined up on the field, excited to get out of their classrooms and run. The Union Ridge Fun Run was about to begin.


The DJ, Mountain Matt, took the mic to lay down a few ground rules: “Take a look at your shoes and tie them, Velcro them, or otherwise secure them to your feet before we start. Remember that, much like a band your parents might recognize, you should only run in ONE DIRECTION. And it’s not a race, so just have fun!” He paused, as much to heighten the suspense as to give the kids tying their shoes a moment to catch up, then held one hand above his head. “Is everybody ready? Are you sure? Okay! On your marks, get set, GO!” He dropped his hand to start the race, and the first graders took off, joyously running, bouncing, skipping, and dancing their way around the markers to the beat of the dance music pumping through the speakers.


The Fun Run was more than just a fun event, though; the Union Ridge PTO used the event as a fundraiser for the entire school. Their goal was to raise $10,000 to pay for the school’s Field Day, Spring Dance, Tater Cart, Music, PE, SPED, Resource, PT/OT Speech Grant, and Staff Appreciation. The grades all competed with each other to raise the most money, and every grade would have their own Fun Run at the end of the week. As an added incentive, if the school reached its fundraising goal, a student from each grade would get to pie DJ Mountain Matt in the face.


Fun Run staff react to getting another pie in the face for a good cause

When the first graders took a break, they learned the results of the fundraiser: DJ Mountain Matt said that Union Ridge had raised an astonishing $39,000 to help their school—so each grade would get to pie TWO people in the face! The students clapped and cheered, thrilled with the bonus entertainment. 


Fun Run staff drew the names of the lucky students who would get to throw pies. The two first graders chosen walked up to the front and confidently picked up paper plates piled high with cream. The adults crouched down to provide an easy target and braced for impact. 


One—Two—Three!! The pies splattered in their faces, and the students howled with laughter. It was a perfect end to a perfect day, one with an immense positive impact for school programs at Union Ridge, and one that the students would remember for many years to come.

Students, teachers, and staff all took the field to enjoy the Fun Run